We all know what stress does. It makes life miserable. But we need some stress because it pushes us to live a better life. Understanding your stress map will empower you to take control.

Gudjon Bergmann said: “There is no such thing as a stress-free life. No evidence has ever been presented which suggests that a stress-free life can ever be achieved. Stress can be managed, relieved and lessened, but never eliminated.”

Take Control Over The Stress in Your Life:

How it works!

Why should I do it?

Stressmapper for Business. Collective Stress can be Managed.

How it works!

Workplace stress tends to function ‘under the radar’. Individuals tend to hide their stress to protect themselves. This is normal. The challenge is that it has negative implications on the functional level of a business. It compromises success, productivity, relationships, workplace engagement, and customer service. Any business can now provide all their employees with a personal stress analysis tool and the leadership team can do group stress analysis of any working group or team in the company. The group stress analysis function provides a report with possible action plans to alleviate stress in all the different areas that need attention.